Discount Codes

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Ambient electronic music fans will love this—Brazilian newcomer Discount Codes have released their debut EP “Gallium 99,99%”, and it feels like the perfect soundtrack to a Sunday visit in your favorite modern art gallery, or maybe like the soundtrack of some weird art installation.

Go explore the wild yet conceptual noise-scapes of Discount Codes’ full “Gallium 99,99%” EP below, and order via Bandcamp if you dig.

Make sure you check their YouTube video premier on your way out.

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“Our debut EP is named after a chemical element, a non-toxic metal with a melting point at ambient temperature, thus capable of being easily manipulated in its liquid form. Comprised of four tracks, it is conducted by an abstract narrative…”


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“…in which every moment is percolated by the thrill of the never-ending transformation of the matter, from the beginning of an undefined life finding its place in the world until its final hasty and violent breath.”

Discount Codes Gallium EP

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