Coolrunnings: Fool Moon 7"

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COOLRUNNINGS consistently impress with the diversity of music that they crank out of Tennessee.  They continually refine their sound and aren’t afraid to dab in any genre.  After the release of Dracula Is Only the Beginning earlier in the year I thought I knew just where COOLRUNNINGS was going.  Well, these new tracks came out and I couldn’t be more wrong. I also couldn’t be happier.

Their latest offering, Fool Moon, is made up of two perfectly composed songs that slowly settle you in and take you on a journey that you’ll keep returning to over and over again. The title track, Fool Moon, comes in from another planet full of synth and rapid cadence with a soothing chorus of vocals.  It could almost be interpreted as a highly musically talented astronaut’s ode to a once-travelled moon.  The second track, Rusk, is a steady droney and verbed out rocker with amazing bass.  I’d equate the sound of Rusk to Tame Impala and Noah Wall venturing on a mind trip inside the brain of Jim Morrison .

[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”4052801925″ size=”venti” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]

Enjoy everything that COOLRUNNINGS has to offer but don’t get too settled in to any one sound cause they’re already on to the next.  Expect big things from this Knoxville, Tennessee powerhouse in 2012.  These hard-working dudes get guitarted and put out basically all their blood for free.  Give back by purchasing the Fool Moon 7″ here and the Dracula Horse Is Only The Beginning vinyl here.

Check out an earlier WT post on COOLRUNNINGS aqui.

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