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FTHRSN is back with a second EP titled Middle School Swag. It’s a vocal recollection of that hazy period of time between 6th and 8th grade in which a lot of life changes happened.  Some were good, some were bad but all of those experiences ultimately made us who we are today.  Essentially Middle School according to FTHRSN is an accelerated course of one’s entire life – and its lessons are still ongoing no matter what our age now.  His basis for this EP is “for those scary times in life when things are changing.”

Middle School Swag is cast in tropical undertones with a layered foundation of harder hitting beats and chants akin to Wise Blood. The songs are laden with crooning R&B vocals sharing soothing yet strong lyrics that positively evoke the experiences of the very track titles. This is a beautifully crafted EP, the perfect marriage of relatable experience and really really good music. Love can still feel like first love, career changes are plenty, you make new friends, get over people and always always always drop it low on the dance floor though it may now only be a once a week occurrence.

Thanks to Macklin Underdown aka FTHRSN for giving us a collection of beautiful songs in order to face those scary times of change and showing us the importance of reflection.

“This song is about all the sexy songs you danced to in middle school without realizing how extremely sexual they were. I was confused. We were all confused, but we really liked to get low. One time I performed this song live and was nicknamed ‘underground sex god’.”


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“This song is about making new friends and being in Orlando + Daytona Beach, Florida for Total Bummer Fest. It was one of the best times of my life.”

[bandcamp track=1274253678 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


“This song is about moving on, struggle, leaving things behind but never really leaving them behind. Goodbye.”

[bandcamp track=3836279503 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


Check out full album below:

[bandcamp album=3286790041 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


Download Middles School Swag for free here courtesy of FTHRSN.

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