Peace in Noise: Catacomb Sunrise Set, live @ Burning Man 2016

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Photography by Jen Peng


Here is the set that I played with Kenny from Peace in Noise this last Burning Man 2016. Press play and as you listen, feel free to read the timestamps from the morning below. I’m still in awe of this experience, to date one of the best of my life.

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5:00 am – Thursday Morning – Burning Man 2016
Dersu: As Gracie pulled out onto 9:00 and crept slowly towards the esplanade, the art car felt like a creeping ship headed deep into space. People stood huddled together, their faces hidden behind scarves and hoods and the mood felt a bit dark. I had found a track of monks chanting and layering that with Lies by Tale of Us felt fitting. Recordings from the first successful moon landing echoed across the quiet camps and as we pushed onto the esplanade we “touched down” on the moon.

6:00 am – First Light

Dersu: As the first streaks of dawn painted the distant sky, I started to play more hopeful music. I saw people on the top deck had started to dance and I wanted to match their energy, bathing the darkness in light while keeping it sensitive and thoughtful.

6:30 am – Catacomb Burn
Dersu: As the first fingers of fire crept up the sides of the Catacombs the energy became excited and triumphant, I played Nana in a celebration of the morning.
Kenny: The morning became more and more beautiful as the colors filled the mountains and playa. I played Lane 8 as we drifted deeper into the desert.
Dersu: I pretty much had tears in my eyes through this whole end of the set. I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful this scene was. Everyone looked so beautiful, alive and present.


7:00 am
Kenny: The energy on the art car as the sun warmed the playa was incredible. The smiles were contagious and I knew I wanted to finish the set with a track to let us loose into the day. We ended with “Learning to Fly” Flash Atkins Mix and both found our way onto the ground to dance with everyone. The mountains were bathed in an almost fluorescent gold and the sky was deep blue.
Dersu: I’m not sure my heart could have been more full after this set. This was one of the most amazing mornings of my life.


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