Freshair October Mixtape: Falling and Rising

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A wise man once told me that silence was the only true mirror. To this day I believe him, but now I realize in addition that whatever music is in my ears lets me know how I’m really feeling. With the cool, crisp nights upon us and shorter days, this mix makes me want to grab a cozy cardigan, scarf and hat and go for a long walk to think about lives and love lost and the future of those to gain. Yet at its deepest moments of sadness there is true feeling. Within that moment, hope and perspective are restored. Things aren’t always as bad as we make them out to be and sometimes we need music to remind us of this truth. Alike the best friends and family in your life, music is ALWAYS there to comfort you without need or ego being involved.

So grab a nice hot cup of your favorite tea, bundle up, open your mind and the road take you where it may. You never know what you may find but you do know you’ll be better off than before you left. Such is movement. So, open up your heart, mind and ears and let the Freshair energize you and take you on a little journey. Listen UP and Witness This.

Art Direction and album art by Elsa Kawai and Robert Dee Crisman:

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download the mixtape for free here: Freshair October Mixtape: Falling and Rising

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