Free Music Monday-Alternative to What

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A mix put together by music guru Dersu . A mash up of all kinds of music from some older tracks to newer releases from less well-known bands. Some of our favorite tracks of the mix are 586 by New Order and Glasser’s track Apply

Sample a few of the songs from the mix here:

sooo right below this is the download link, first we’d just like to ask you to “Like” us on Facebook, not only does it give us street credit but it also makes sure that you will see more of our posts, find out about shows, parties etc we are sponsoring, and also gives us a place where you can give feedback request more or less of something etc. This blog is about all of you, us. It’s a way to let the world see what we are doing. By the people for the people, that is our honest drive. Well, that and being asked to hang out with 50 cent in Vegas…stay tuned for more on that. Like us here!

download the mix here. you’ll love it. Trust us.

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