Christoph Woerner - Slower Expectations

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Slower Expectations doesn’t lower expectations by any means. Christoph Woerner, responsible for one of my favorite sets of the year has just released a follow up set that is a little more down-tempo yet doesn’t lack detail and keeps you engaged all the way through.

I asked Christoph where the inspiration for his sets comes from, what would he say his influences are and where he seeks out his music.

“I try to play friends, artists that I know, and where I can feel the person when I listen to their music.”

One of the countless reasons that I connect with this culture is the fact that influence and inspiration can pass so easily and un-selfishly through hands and ears to friends and beyond. The ability to reach across the ocean and impact people through these curated pieces of music allows me to fall deeper in love with this genre.

Listen to more from Christoph on his Soundcloud and stalk him until you can go see him live when he plays next.

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