DreamRide II by Mike Hopkins

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Photography by Bruno Long

An excellent example for content marketing comes from Mike Hopkins sponsored by Diamondback Bikes. His new video DreamRide II is a bike ride that truly lives up to its name. Let it take you to breathtaking sceneries that are a powerful reminder of the beauty of this planet that we all live on. Even for non-cyclists this is a jaw-dropping break from Social Media.

dreamride 2 by bruno long

dreamride 2 by bruno long

“Ride along with us as we journey across massive lava fields, cruise alongside evergreen canyons, chase rainbows, ride on frozen rivers and explore volcanic caves. These are the places only seen in dreams. Welcome back to DreamRide.”

dreamride 2 by bruno long

dreamride 2 by bruno long

dreamride 2 by bruno long

The product is not the protagonist here. Instead, Hopkins delivers powerful eye candy that will make your day. The brand functions only as a presenter in the background. This is the kind of branded entertainment stuff that we like to share, and we’re not even getting paid for it.

DreamRide II was shot on location on the island of Hawaii, Revelstoke mountain and Abraham Lake, Alberta.

Watch the full video below. More stills can be found here.

(—via pinkbike—)


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CREDITS “DreamRide II”

Directed by Mike Hopkins
Produced by Mike Hopkins/Juicy Studios
Filming by Jordan Manley, Scott Secco, David Peacock
Edited by Scott Secco
Written by Lacy Kemp
Executive Producer Steve Westover

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