Witness The Leather Shop

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Witness This had the pleasure of speaking with The Leather Shop about their recent release of an arsenal of stunningly hand-crafted leather products. Now we are suckers for this sort of Made in America story, but after talking with Ken from The Shop, we fell even more in love with what they do.

The Leather Shop was founded in Seattle, Washington in the summer of 2008 by a young designer named Mark. Fast forward through the last four years and countless hours of hard work and determination and we now are gifted with the opportunity to share in their craft. You can now get a glimpse below, and on their online store, at what they have created and it’s impossible not to get excited about the finished product. We had the chance to ask the guys about their inspiration, and we love the story we uncovered, “It all started with a leather pouch that Mark remembered from his childhood. His great-great grandfather hand made it in the early 1900’s and passed it down, generation to generation. The pouch had aged beautifully, the leather had character to it- so much so that it carried a history to it. Why not make something that lasts this long? This shaped our company, and our motto Time passes, Leather endures. We craft products that combine old world craftsmanship with modern aesthetics. The results are products that are unique in their appearance and their longevity.”

The Leather Shop studio has found it’s home in the Georgetown district of Seattle, where the craftsmen and artists of Seattle reside. Look them up when you are in Seattle, or visit their online store to share in a beautiful craft that defines heart and hand design.

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