room capacity

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Photography by Saskia Uppenkamp, Anne C. Scoffoni, Teodoro Lupo

I came across room capacity when walking to my office the other day. The store is located in Berlin Mitte, in my close neighborhood, and when I stared into the hollow eyes of this otherworldly golden alien mask that was looking at me from the window display I asked myself why the hell I had never taken notice of this pearl before.

room capacity is run by Jörn Kuschinsky (Germany), and Thomas Storai (France), and one shy look through the glass front is enough to know these guys do what they do with love. The store is specialized in unique “vintage furniture and art”—decorative interior design objects from all decades. Their item selection is extremely tasteful, and ranges from classic to minimal to morbid.

See a selection of room capacity’s stock in the gallery below, or pay visit to their website.
Linienstrasse 150, Berlin Mitte
Opening hours 1pm – 7pm Tue through Sat

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture & Art

“We’re collectors by nature. We share a passion for rare, curious and unique pieces of furniture and art. We’re obsessively searching for the story in every object we touch.”

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Tina Berning @Berlin Interior Design Store Room Capacity Vintage Furniture and Art

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“We’re like an adoption agency for exquisite bits of design. Sometimes it hurts to let go, but without you where would all this lovely stuff go?”

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