Nico Stojan - Afterhour Set @ Garbicz Festival 2013

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nico stojan bachstelzen garbicz festival

Nico Stojan is one of our Berlin-based absolute favorites. He grabbed our undivided attention with After the Hour which is just one amongst hundreds of unbelievable sounds from this producer/dj.

Katerholzig liaised with Bachstelzen (a BRILLIANT artist/DJ collective, you can find their page here on fb) and organized a very intimate techno festival in Garbicz, Poland, August 16th thru 19th. Bachstelzen are infamous for their decoration and light installations, creating surreal sceneries, when for example placing two massive authentic Chinese gongs around a camp fire next to above seen piano in the middle of the woods.

The set was played by Nico Stojan in the after-hour on Monday, Aug 19th at the lake-side dance floor in the middle of a beautiful forest. It was praised by everyone who witnessed it live as absolutely enchanting. We are so very proud to share this special set, please enjoy.

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