Genius: Kyla Graves

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Just Be by Kyla Graves

Kyla Graves is an L.A.-based singer-songwriter. Born and raised in Vermont, Kyla has performed throughout the United States and Europe, playing original music since the age of twelve.


Are you working with anyone on any projects right now?

I spent the last 2 years working on my latest CD, “Just Be” with producer Georg Egloff. At the moment, I am writing a lot of new material for an acoustic E.P I am going to begin recording very soon.

What’s the worst clothing trend you’ve been a part of?

Oh my, I would have to say back in the Elementary School days I was really into Over-alls. However, in the present day i try to keep it pretty trendy and fun, rocking feather earrings and hippie-chic accessories by my jewelry line Vintage Songbird.

What are you listening to right now?

I am really into Bon Iver’s first album, “For Emma, Forever Ago” right now. At this moment in particular, his song Skinny Love is playing on my iTunes.

What do your parents think of what you are doing?

Thankfully my parent’s fully encourage my journey and path to play music across the country from where I grew up in Vermont. My mother likes to say that her daughters both paint in “broad strokes” 🙂 They are incredibly supportive and loving, and I consider my family to be my best friends and #1 fans.

Who do you spend the most time with?

I spend the most time with myself:) It takes a lot of focus and solitude for me to create and write. However, I get all of my inspiration from all of the beautiful friends and family in my life. I like to surround myself with creative, artistic, fun, optimistic people who fill me with courage and strength in my purpose.

What does the word genius mean to you?

To me, the word genius means an individual that has the creative power and influence to manifest their destiny, and inspire others. I believe that each one of us holds a little “genius” in us, and spend our lifetime finding our passion and gift that allows us to be extraordinary.

Who inspires you?

The people who inspire me are those who are living and breathing their dreams and desires. Individuals who have the patience and love to explore and know themselves, and let go of all fear and ego tend to inspire me the most. My friends, family, and fellow musicians humble and inspire me everyday.

what inspires you?

The natural world we live in and the beauty that surrounds us daily. Mostly, LOVE LOVE LOVE in every form, and gratitude for it.

Have you had to sacrifice anything to get where you are?

Yes, of course. I had to sacrifice leaving the comfort and beauty of Vermont and my family over three years ago to move to Los Angeles. There have been many other sacrifices that I have made to keep climbing this musical mountain, but I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences for where I am at right now in this present moment. It is incredibly hard to pursue a music career in Los Angeles with thousands of others living the same dream. It can be lonely, and daunting, but I try to keep most dark sides, and feelings out of my life, and surround myself with light and positive affirmations that I am on the right path.

What was the turning point in your career, and when did things start taking off?

I believe the turning point in my career is when I starting really believing in myself, and the music, voice, and message I have to share with the world.
I made my first official E.P in 2007 titled, “Loving Tree” with Jared Slomoff in Vermont, and then moved to L.A. In March of this year, I released my first full length album titled, “Just Be.” I continue to keep working hard, and will pursue my music career for as long as I can.

What’s next for you?

Next for me is The Amour Tour in August!!! I am going on a tour from San Diego, CA to Portland, OR over three weeks to share my music and love. I have also been writing for my next E.P coming out in the next year. You can check out more information on The Amour Tour at Tumblr.

Tell us about your kickstarter project and tour.

I have launched a 15 day Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for my upcoming tour called The Amour Tour, where I will be traveling from San Diego, CA to Portland, OR. Every dollar contributed is so appreciated, and I can only make this all happen with the support of my friends, family, and fans! Together we can create something beautiful, and I really believe in my music, and the message of love, sharing, creating, and inspiring. Please join me on The Amour Tour!! You can find my Kickstarter here and please share it with your friends!!

Other Relevant Websites:
Kyla Graves website:
To contribute or share with Kickstarter:
For more info on the Amour tour:
Follow me on twitter:!/TheAmourTour

You can find Kyla Graves’ music on iTunes, CD Baby and Stay connected for future tour dates on Facebook and MySpace, and follow her on Twitter (@KylaGravesMusic) for daily updates.


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