From the crew who brought us THE LABYRINTH OF LIES and THE DARK ROOMS exhibitions here comes a new installment to help us kill some time waiting for Santa Claus.
The 48-hour “LOST” art festival takes place December 15-17, 2017, in the same location as aforementioned exhibitions—the abandoned Willner Brewery in former East Berlin. The estate has been sold to private investors so the festival is the final salute for the old lady, turning the grounds into a giant immersive gallery space for a full weekend.

Three Berlin-based art collectives will curate and exhibit within the old walls. Each of these collectives will tackle a different theme—Lost Society, Lost Humans, and Lost Control.
Add the natural learning curve to the makers’ previous events and you’re in for a treat. We are expecting some magical hours in the abandoned halls. The program will include artist talks, artist walks (exhibiting artists will guide groups through the area), live performances & music, a 48-hour movie theater, and two night clubs (!) run by electronic music labels from Berlin.
Check the impressions below for a teaser of the artist line-up. Join the club, and get lost with us at the event website. (Tickets are free but require email registration.)

“By curating LOST we wanted to unite various art forms in an ecstatic and intense way, and let artists run wild in a unique location before it will close its gates forever…”
“…together, we want to be a contemporary reminder of what this city used to be for the arts. A city of enablers, creators, hedonists, and celebrators of life.”
—Clara Cremer, Curator