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Image courtesy of When we saw that Citizens! were playing at The Media Club here in Vancouver, we jumped at the opportunity to snag an interview with them. With a capacity of only 150, the venue is as intimate as it gets (unless you're…
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Spirit Fingers - A Witness This Mixtape
I asked a handful of friends a very simple question yesterday - "First thing that pops into your head - what do you think is super underrated?" The answers were interesting, weird, nonsensical and generally awesome. I giggled, I judged, and I gained…
We caught Atish at a fascinating point in his career. When we sat down with him in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles, he hadn’t yet told his boss or his 11,000+ fans on Facebook that he was taking the leap and leaving his 9-to-5 gig as a programmer at Facebook, and allowing himself to dive fully into the world of producing and performing as an electronic music DJ full time.