Witness Margot Gabel

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Margot Gabel has been sent to us from Paris with love. She shoots with a maturity, not only in her compositions and the moments she captures but also with her process. “I just have one rule : never retouching my photos. I still indicate in detail what equipment and what film I used. I want to be honest, because digital photography isn’t.” The rules she has set for herself show in her work, and the audience is left with not just honesty, but spontaneity as well. 

Her work makes us want to travel, to be lost in Europe among the youthful energy of cobblestone streets, bus stops, and train stations.”I began film photography 6 years ago, & I have not stopped since ! I was only working with black & white films, that I developed myself in the lab of my art school in Lyon. Now I shoot with color film.” she tells us. 

Margot speaks as though she has been photographing for fifty years even though she is only twenty. Her comprehension of film and light and movement reminds us of painters we know from a different era, from a different country and that thought makes us feel romantic, as these images do. “I always have one or two cameras with me so I did not choose my subjects or my site, everything is spontaneous, true. These are incongruous, pleasant, surprising moments of my everyday that you will see on my films.”

see more of Margot’s work here: FLICKR
and follow her on Facebook here: MRGT Photography

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